Artificial Telepathy: The Perfect Torture

The experience of Artificial Telepathy is really not that extraordinary. It's as simple as receiving a cell-phone call in one's head.Indeed, most of the technology involved is exactly identical to that of cell-phone technology. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer multiplexer routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell.

The True Story Behind The Men Who Stare at Goats

I recently watched the movie The Men Who Stare at Goats and after becoming curious I decided to do some research into the true story behind this interesting film about Psychic training in the United States Army. I even went so far as to purchase the Battalion Field Manual to see for myself if there was something we could learn from the works of Lt. Col. Jim Channon who the movie is based on.

How to Use Psychic Seduction to Make Them Want You

When you use psychic seduction on others, your thought will originate within their mind. It is because your mind and their mind are one Mind. They will be thinking the thoughts of interest, desire and attraction that you project towards them, and they will think it was their idea.

NASA Worried About Solar Storms Predicted by Remote Viewers

I never worry about the future. It comes soon enough, Albert Einstein allegedly wrote. But NASA scientists are not on the same page as Einstein. As we approach the net peak of solar activity expected in 2013, our nation faces multiplying uncertainties from increasing reliance on space weather-affected technologies, stated a press release issued a meeting of the Space Weather Enterprise Forum met in Washington, D.C. on June 8th.

Discover Infinite Possibilities in the Zero Point Field

Every day, we hear about all the latest and greatest new developments in mind power techniques. How do we know what is real and what is simple fancy Within all of this apparent confusion, you can be sure of one thing your thoughts carry their own energies and they really do affect your reality. Today, you'll learn what the really means for you, and how you can tap into the infinite zero point field to access your own infinite potential. We've all heard that thoughts create our reality.

Remote Influencing for Fun and Profit

If you were told that you could use your mind to influence a slot machine or dice fall would you find this beyond belief If you were told that you could use your mind in a telepathic manner to influence the thinking pattern of another individual or group of people would you believe it And if you were further told that you could instruct your subconscious mind to produce a specific dream to help you solve a problem and use an unusual intuitional mechanism to decode this dream would you find...

Kola Nut In Witchcraft to Stimulate Sexual Energies

Psychosexual energy is the principal element behind contemporary western magic. It is the single, strongest emotion-alterant available that can be disciplined and it is the foundation of Tantra. A path to the use of this psychosexual power begins by recognizing and then overcoming restrictive sexual prejudices. The first place to start is by cultivating intense gonadal awareness through the conscious tightening of the pelvic region.

How to Be Free: Harry Browne's Freedom Principles

Freedom consists of a lack of desire to control others. In 1973 author Harry Browne in the midst of a long career as an iconoclast wrote a book that was the most iconoclastic thing he ever wrote. Most of Harry's books were Investment Books, and while far from dry, they did not prepare the reader for the excitement and revelation of his Freedom book. The book, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World , was more than the sum of its parts.

People Who Wake Up In A Parallel Universe

We've all heard of alternate dimensions and universes. Many believe we are just a frequency away from an alternate existence. Still others claim that beings from other dimensions pop in and out of our world at will, somewhat like The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.Now a story comes to us out of Spain about a woman who claims to have woken up one day to find her life and past had changed. Unfortunately, she remembers a different reality than those who know her best.

The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People

We're delighted to share our debut list of the 100 most spiritually influential living people, that was published in the Spring issue of the Watkins Review. Yes, we've taken up the not so simple task of naming the most popular authors and spiritual teachers, whose contribution in spirituality and spreading awareness is affecting us all. We live in an age of lists -- from groceries and obituaries to Facebook friends, resume facts, lists of city capitals and lottery numbers.

Emotional Bondage Spell

If your partner is sexy but projects little emotional warmth, then you must try the Emotional Bondage Spell. It's a dangerous spell, as frequently the conjurer gets conjured. You must be certain that you really want him. Never bind anybody to you merely for kicks, and never, ever use the Emotional Bondage Spell where there is little or no sexual compatibility, because you will be stuck with that person for ever.

Erotic Hypnosis For Intense Orgasms

When you first meet Neil, a handsome if regular-looking guy in a tight waffle shirt and a pair of jeans, you might call him nerdy if he wasn't so nondescript. Based on looks, you wouldn't think that this former IT guy makes his living giving people the most mind-bending, dick-splitting orgasms found anywhere on the planet. But, yes, this guy with a Ned Flanders statue on a bookshelf and Snoopy cartoons on the wall does just that in his Spartan apartment in New York.

5 True Stories About The Military's Paranormal Research

What if I told you that the Department of Defense and the CIA spent four decades researching extrasensory perception and psychokinesis i.e., bending spoons with your mind From the 1950s to the 1990s, the military and intelligence communities investigated psychic phenomena, conducted clandestine missions that relied on subjects believed to have supernatural powers, and competed with the Soviet Union in a psychic arms race. In Phenomena The Secret History of the U.S.

Out-of-Body Experiences -- Real or Imagined?

I must admit that as a teenager I was fascinated by the idea of out of body experiences (OBEs), but after reading countless books and no success at leaving my body I came to the conclusion it was all hooey, that was until I met author Graham Nicholls and had a conversation that almost changed my mind.

How Does This Woman Win Every Contest She Enters?

Helene Hadsell doesn't believe in luck, chance or accidents. What is it about this very normal woman from Alvarado, Texas that bridges the gap between the power of manifestation and everyday reality Helene's uncanny ability to win anything she desires has been covered by newspapers and magazines, and today we're going to share some of these astonishing stories with you. At 83-years-old, all Helene wants is to share her knowledge with the world and support you in achieving all that you desire.

Top 5 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

Do you want to improve your mind We have compiled the best methods to boost brain power, improve memory, build new neural connections, ignite learning, and enhance cognitive function. Humans have brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity, which is the ability of the brain to change for better or worse at any age. This flexibility of the brain plays a significant role in the development or decline of our brains, and how our distinct personalities are shaped.

Master Switchwords for Creating Wealth

What is a discount When an amount of money is decreased. What's the opposite of a discount,when an amount of money is increased A count, of course. In a word, the essence of all moneymaking is COUNT. Whenever any individual or company makes money, at some point in the process, a COUNTing happens COUNTing of hours worked and or products sold, and the amount of money received in exchange.

Remote Viewers See Aliens on the Moon

Over the past 50 years, billions of dollars have been spent visiting our nearest neighbor in space, the moon. It's the only extraterrestrial body humans have ever walked on. Besides the United States and Russia, Japan, China, India and the European Space Agency have all sent robotic spacecraft moonward.

Top 10 Mind Bending Theories About the Universe

The universe is a vast and mysterious place. There are so many mind-boggling parts of our solar system, the universe and beyond that humans often have a hard time wrapping their brains around it. These mysteries are profound and often are connected with the inner workings of the universe and the very existence of life. Needless to say, a lot of these theories that try to answer some of these questions are mind bending in their own right and could change your whole outlook on reality. 10.

High John the Conqueror

The root known as High John the Conqueror is one of the staples of hoodoo magick. Legend has it that this root was named after an African king who was sold into slavery but able to outsmart his captors through his cleverness. High John the Conqueror is popular as a charm to conquer any situation, achieve success in any undertaking, attract money, protect against evil and harm, increase one's strength and or confidence, gain mastery, ensure good luck especially involving lotteries and games of...

18 Ways to Join the Illuminati

So, you want to join a secret cabal of mysterious forces that make up the Illuminati. Granted it has for some a romantic appeal. Granted that appeal may be filled with fear but it's a concept they hold on to in spite of reason. Here are the steps that anyone can use to gain admitance into the most powerful club in the world. Regarding the Illuminati, most of the Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists (PCT) have a habit of jumping to conclusions based on faulty evidence and reasoning.

Hawkins Jane

Werewolf Hunters Gypsies

I run a very long time, said Gowdie, but being hard pressed, was forced to take to my house, the door being open, and there took refuge behind a chest. The dogs pursued her into the house, and Gowdie escaped only by running into another room and uttering a disenchanting charm Hare, hare, God send thee care I am in a hare's likeness now But I shall be a woman even now Hare, hare, God send thee care Many stories exist in folklore of hunters shooting hares, only to...

The Grand Druid Council

United States Certificate Deposit

As of Spring, 78 GAVIN FROST Modernist, chairman of the Council. Author of Witches' Bible, heads move to unite Witchcraft and Christianity. He feels that if witchcraft is properly presented, people would choose witchcraft. Greenville, N.C. DR. RAYMOND BUCKLAND Lorka. Traditionalist former chairman of the Council until modernists gained control. He was previously professor of anthropology at Columbia University. Author of Practical Candle-Burning Witchcraft From the Inside, and Sax-Wicca Bible....

Coven Initiation

Wicca Initiation

As with all of the rituals in this workbook, they are presented as patterns blueprints which you may either adopt or adapt. You will see that this Initiation Rite contains all of the elements I have previously discussed. If you decide to write your own, I urge you to follow the general pattern. In this ceremony I have written it as for a Priest initiating a female. It can obviously be adapted for reversal of the roles (in virtually all traditions male initiates female and female initiates...

Malew Street Haunted Isle Of Man

Malew Street Castletown

Areata, Calif. RJ Stewart Books, 2007. -. The Tree of Enchantment Wisdom of Faery Seership. York Beach, Me. Samuel Weiser, 2008. Frost, Gavin 1930- and Yvonne 1931- Witches, authors and founders of the Church AND SCHOOL OF WlCCA, located in Hinton, West Virginia. The Frosts have steadfastly followed their own path in the Craft, and whenever that took them out of mainstream views, they have weathered much criticism from others in the Wiccan Pagan communities....

The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day


Remote Viewing: The ESP of Espionage

We may all have latent psi powers, but our ability to develop them is being blanked out by socially engineered stress, and with the collusion of covert agencies. MILITARY DEVELOPMENT OF REMOTE MIND-CONTROL TECHNOLOGY Military intelligence interest in remote-viewing (RV) goes back to at least the 1950s.

How to Use the Simple Magic of Mantrams to Command your Superconscious Mind

There is a slight difference between the words mantra and mantram. Both are taken from a Sanskrit word meaning instrument of thought. The difference is this a mantram is a vocalized instrument of thought, while a mantra is silent. Whether you realize it or not, you create and shape your life with your thoughts. All things that become part of your physical reality are first created in the mind from the raw material called thought.

To bind the spirit Bealphares and to lose him againe

NOW when he is appeared, bind him with these words which followe. f I conjure thee Bealphares, by God the father, by God the sonne, and by God the Holie-ghost, and by all the holie companie in heaven and by their vertues and powers I charge thee Bealphares, that thou shalt not depart out of my sight, nor yet to alter thy bodilie shape, that thou art appeared in, nor anie power shalt thou have of our bodies or soules, earthiie or ghostlie, but to be obedient to me, and to the words of my...

The Illuminati Purpose And Plan For World Takeover

The Conspiracy for world takeover, as we previously saw, is as old as man himself. The Illuminati, in recent history, has twice tried to control the world in Napoleon's day and during World War I. Only about 5000 people in the entire world know the true purpose of the Illuminati and its conspiracy to rule the earth. Their plan was written down in code, as a fictional novel, in 1957.

How to Influence Slot Machines with Your Mind

If you were told that you could use your mind to influence a slot machine or dice fall would you find this beyond belief If you were told that you could use your mind in a telepathic manner to influence the thinking pattern of another individual or group of people would you believe it And if you were further told that you could instruct your subconscious mind to produce a specific dream to help you solve a problem and use an unusual intuitional mechanism to decode this dream would you find...

10 Ways to Build a Cult-Like Following

Recently I was contacted by a very successful Internet marketer who asked me what I would suggest to someone who wanted to create a cult-like following. This is right down my ally so I gave him some very good advice that he couldn't wait to put into action but the question got me thinking. What steps are there for anyone who wants people to want his her attention and wisdom The result are 10 ways to build a cult-like following. Of course each one of them could be a book in itself but here goes.

The Four Quarters

Each cardinal point of the magic circle is associated with a guardian spirit, an element, ritual tool, colors and attributes correspondences vary among traditions. North. To ancient pagans, the north was the source of great power. The heavens spun around the North Star, and the ancients aligned their temples and pyramids to the star. North, the cardinal point never touched by the Sun, was associated with darkness, mystery and the unknown. Perhaps because of the pagan reverence for the north, it...

The Hierarchies and Functions of Demons

Collin Plancy

Demons have been catalogued, ranked and classified since at least 100-400, the period in which the Testament of Solomon appeared, describing Solomon's magic ring for commanding the djinn and listing the names and functions of various Hebrew, Greek, Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian and perhaps Persian demons. Christian demo-nologists of the 16th and 17th centuries catalogued demons into hierarchies of hell and ascribed to them attributes and duties, including ambassadorships to various nations....

The Cabot Tradition

This tradition holds that Witchcraft is a science as well as a religion and an art. As a science, it may be applied to harness and expand psychic potential. The key to extrasensory perception is the harnessing of light energy and the sensitivity to alpha waves, which are part of the aura surrounding every living thing. Cabot says her method of controlling alpha waves is based on an ancient Pythagorean method of using colors and numbers. Cabot teaches that each individual is responsible for all...

The Mandragore and the Alraun

Pictures The Original Tree Life

Traditionally, you should seek for a mandrake to give it its English name of the opposite sex to your own. This isn't entirely necessary, however, the main concern being that when you find one, you carve it to represent the sex opposite to your own. There are two genera of plants which traditionally go by the name of mandragore The Mandragora officinalis which belongs to the class of Solanaceae, and the English mandrake, white bryony, or Bryonia dioica, belonging to the class Cucurbitaceae....

The Coven And How To Form One

As regards environment, whenever you wish to perform an operation of witchcraft solo, all you basically need is a corner of your own home, the only prerequisite being privacy and a modicum of soundproofing. The latter is required not so much as a precaution against the neighbour's objecting to your noise, but rather as a further aid to the discarding of inhibitions, which is of such primary importance in all magic. However, should you wish to gather a group of likeminded friends around you for...

The Witch Dances

These dances are many and varied, differing from coven to coven and allowing for considerable invention and renovation. The two main witch dances are the Spiral Dance, known otherwise as the Maze, Meeting Dance, Wheel, or Round Dance and the Chain Dance. The first, or Meeting Dance, is related to the concept of death as symbolized by a northways movement, widdershins, leading to the still centre, and then returning on its tracks southways. The magister stands at the centre of the circle, beside...

The Pan European Wiccan Conference

One of the most impressive qualities of modern American culture is that it is so self-critical it is quite hard to find an ideological position taken up by one citizen of the USA which is not ably contested by another. This pattern holds good for its Pagan community. Only a few years after Wiccan beliefs had arrived in the USA, they were questioned and investigated by other members of that community a process launched by two individuals above all. During the first half of the 1970s Isaac...

Signs of Identification

All witches and warlocks usually possess items that are often known by occult ritualists as jewels in a witch's case these are items worn like jewelry signifying Witchdom to those that have eyes to see, often bearing in runes the witch's name, the symbol adopted by her coven (should she belong to one), and her rank in it if it possesses a hierarchy of any sort. They usually serve three purposes that of providing a means of recognition between members of different covens a talismanic link with...

The Witch Jewels

The Necklace, the Bracelet, the Ring and Pendant, the Girdle Cord and Garter The necklace The necklace is worn by women coven members often at Sabbats and Esbats only. It is in all probability of similar derivation to that of the girdle or garter Some witches say that it has a connection with Brisingamen, the elven necklace possessed by Freya, the Norse love goddess. Others say that through its occasional use of acorns as beads, it derives from the worship of Diana of Ephesus, whose devotees...

Lucky and Unlucky Herbs

The following plants, according to Scott Cunningham, possess the power to attract good luck allspice, aloe vera, bamboo, banyan, be-still, bluebell, cabbage, calamus, Chinaberry, cinchona, cotton, daffodil, devil's-bit, ferns, grains of paradise, hazel, holly, houseleek, huckleberry, Irish moss, Job's tears, linden, lucky hand root, moss, nutmeg, oak, orange, persimmon, pineapple, pomegranate, poppy, purslane, rose, snakeroot, star anise, straw, strawberry, sumbul, vetivert, violet, and wood...

Tea Spells and Superstitions

In addition to its role in divination, the tea plant (Camellia spp.) has long been linked to folk magick and superstition. Burned by Chinese sorcerers to attain wealth, the leaves of the tea plant are often added to money-attracting potions and sachets. Various parts of the tea plant are also used in spells for increasing one's courage and strength, and some modern Witches have been known to use infusions of tea as a base for mixing drinks designed to provoke lust. A magickal method to keep...

Ann Putnam Sr

Ann Putnam Witch Trials

The Testimony of Ann Putnam, Sr. against Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse 1692 Reprinted in Major Problems in American Colonial History in 1993 Edited by Karen O. Kupperman As the New England winter tightened its icy grip, February 1692 drew to a close in Salem, Massachusetts. Two more girls Elizabeth Hubbard and Ann Putnam, Jr. joined Elizabeth Betty Parris and Abigail Williams in having fits and seeing visions. At the time of her bewitchment, Ann Putnam, Jr. was only twelve years old see her...

The Magick of Hers

from Priestess and Pentacle by Gerina Dunwich In this section you will find close to 250 different plants arranged alphabetically by their common names. Each listing herein contains the plant's botanical name in Latin , its Pagan folk name s if known , type perennial, annual, or biennial , planetary and elemental rulers, and the Pagan gods and goddesses that the plant is associated with in myth or magick. Botanical name Acacia Senegal Plant type deciduous evergreen shrub Planetary ruler Sun...

Witchcraft In St Kitts

Witchcraft Magazine

Since time immemorial warring armies have sought the blessings of their favorite Gods. High priests, shamans, witchdoctors, prophets, fortune tellers and all sorts of oracles were consulted. Often sacrifices were demanded, either human or animal. 'Bless our boys and Hex the enemy were the dominant themes. Till this day there's not a God-believing country that doesn't claim God is on our side. Following the adage that all's fair in love and war governments the world over have not hesitated to...

The Spells Translated

WHERE POSSIBLE, the Editor has taken every opportunity to find the original Sumerian or Akkadian translation of a given Greek charm of conjuration. These will be given here. Also, the reader will find English translations of the Sumerian charms as they are given in the NECRONOMICON. Not al of the charms are available this way, and sometimes we have had to make do with near misses. Much of what is found here has come from the Maklu text, of which the only extant translation is in the German of...

How To Charge A Talisman Or Amulet

A Talisman or Amulet may be charged quite simply in basically the same way that we would charge anything else. The easiest way to do this is to hold the item in your hands, and visualize a ball of white light around it. As you do this, focus on the purpose to which the item is to be put. Concentrate upon that purpose, and imbue the item with that energy. In this way you add greater energy to it's native qualities. There are also more complicated ways to do this. METHOD 2 Begin by clearing and...

The Third Degree Initiation

Magus Ere we proceed with this sublime degree, I must beg purification at thy hands. High Priestess binds Magus and ties him down to the altar. She circumambulates three times, and scourges Magus with three, seven, nine, and 21 strokes. She then unbinds him and helps him to his feet. Magus now binds the High Priestess and ties her down to the altar. He circumambulates, proclaiming to the four quarters, Hear, ye mighty Ones, the twice consecrate and Holy name , High Priestess and Witch Queen, is...

The Circle Of Stones

The Circle of Stones is used during indoor rituals, for energy raising, meditation and so First, cleanse the area with the ritual broom. For this circle you will need four large flat stones. If you have none, candles can be used to mark the four cardinal points of the circle. White or purple candles can be used, as can colors related to each direction-green for North, yellow for East, red for South, and blue for West. (Different traditions relate the colors and directions in other ways. This is...

How to Synchronize Your Mind and Body

Most people wonder how they can synchronize body in mind, one may ask why even seek ways to do such a thing. Research has it that entwining one's mind with the body is quite effective as a self healing process. Acute disease and soul disturbance can be healed by entwining one's body and the mind. As hard as it may seem the act is quite achievable, however one needs professional mental guidance.

Whatever Happened to the Buddha Boy?

Back in 2005 Ram Bomjon started meditating under a tree for a period of 10 months without any food, water or sleep. What's happened since Back in 2005 Ram Bomjon (nicknamed Buddha Boy') started sitting and meditating under a similar tree Buddha became enlightened under for a period of 10 months without any food, water or sleep. While doing that, he drew in thousands of visitors and media attention.

Mysterious severed feet and the Crazy Statistician

Since August 2007, eleven detached feet have been found in the borderland of British Columbia, Canada, and Washington, United States. They had been disarticulated and no bodies have been found, despite the even more bizarre fact that all of them were wearing sneakers. Some of them even sported socks. Asked by the press, experts called the series of discoveries astounding and almost beyond explanation .

Unleash the Super Powers of Your Subconscious Mind

The power of a self-fulfilling prophecy is evident every time you think positive about yourself. Your mind is a great factor of your fate in terms of health, stress, and memory. You may not know this but the power of your subconscious mind is as important as the power of your food nutritional intake. Research proves that people who generally think positive receive better health and longer life. First of all, your subconscious mind takes hold of your emotions.

The 5 Rules Of Mind-Body Healing: How To Regain and Maintain Perfect Health

Science has suggested that it's possible to accelerate physical, emotional and spiritual healing with the sheer power of your mind. In this lesson, learn the 5 rules of Mind-Body Healing, and how to take advantage of this natural phenomenon. As we all know, there are many techniques to use your mind to reprogram your attitudes, beliefs and habits. But can the mind go further Can the mind actually influence the physical body in dramatic ways Science is beginning to show that it can.

Using the Force - How George Lucas Achieved Success

From quiet, humble beginnings in Modesto, California to a multi-million dollar ranch and hub of activity in Nicasio, Lucas has taken the film industry by storm.From his technological innovations to his business strategies to his beloved science fiction androids, Lucas has become a household name and an immortal part of American cinematic history. Good luck has its storms, Lucas once said. But, his success has had little to do with luck.

When Circe Strikes You With Her Long Wand

72 Circe, Greek literature's first witch, and Odysseus 133. We sailed on from there grieved in heart, glad to escape from death ourselves, but having lost dear companions. We arrived at the island of Aeaea. There lived Circe of the beautiful tresses, a terrible goddess, endowed with speech. She was the full sister of Aeetes of the destructive mind. Both were born of the Sun that shines on mortals and from their mother Perse, the daughter sired by Ocean. We beached the ship in a harbor suitable...

Telepathy vs. Mountain Lion

If you ever had to come face to face with a free lion, then you'd be probably scared to death and start shivering, but this lady from Oregon used mind power to calm it down. Lauren Taylor had an unexpected guest in the form of a mountain lion, which entered her home seeking refuge from mountain fires. Instead of panicking and trying to shoo it away, she used telepathy to calm the guest down. And believe it or not, it worked Taylor has narrated the entire incident on her Facebook account.

10 Books That Might Change Your Life

Positive thinking is at once the most widely embraced and the most frequently reviled philosophy in America. As I explore in my forthcoming book, One Simple Idea How Positive Thinking Reshaped Modern Life , the gospel of positivity grew out of mystical and occult subcultures in America starting in the mid-nineteenth century and went on to become closest thing America has to a national creed.

Mind Controlled Toys: Kids can Soon Use Mind Power to play their Favorite Toy

Children can soon play toys with the power of their minds using brain waves according to the researchers from Warwick University. According to researchers from Warwick University, children can soon play toys with the power of their minds using brain waves. The electronic devices developed by the said researchers allow the users to control the toy using a sensor in the electronic headset that detects the electric impulse from brain waves.

How to Unleash Your Superhuman Mind Powers

Last night I stayed up until 1 o'clock in the morning absolutely riveted to my TV set. I'm happy to say that I was not watching the news (I actually gave up on that a long time ago). I was watching a show on the Science Discovery Channel about four real people who have extraordinary mental powers. A real Fantastic Four, if you will. There was a guy from the Netherlands who was called the Ice Man. He has the ability to withstand extreme cold temperatures.

May the Force Be With You

Does global consciousness exist If so, can people with a common focus use a force within themselves to affect worldly events Can the effects of human consciousness be measured Studies point to Yes And growing scientific evidence documents the power of human consciousness to influence and change the world .

The Magic of Subjective Communication: How to Persuade Others to Give You What You Want

The Amazing Discovery of a Primary Communication between Human Beings which is Accurate, Direct and Can't Be Misinterpreted In the 50's an electronic expert by the name of Jose Silva was deeply involved with experiments in hypnosis. He was trying to raise his children's intelligence and grades at school by teaching their homework while they were in a light trance state.

How to Develop a Magnetic Mind

The most important step in dominating others mentally is developing your magnetic mind. It is paramount that you follow everything in this section closely.In order to acquire the magnetic mind, you must eliminate, with prejudice Doubt and fear of your ability to please others All antagonisms towards other people Your eagerness to get the best of others Feelings of superiority over anyone Thoughts of yourself as the only person thatmatters Desire to rule or oppress others All urges to impress...

Why Mind Power Scares People

Have you ever heard the expression be careful what you wish for Or have you ever been accused of daydreaming or being too much in your head Mind power scares people. That is partly why those phrases are said. When you develop a conscious relationship with your own mind it is like bringing home a giant supercomputer and starting to actually use it. Things are going to change in your life when you do that You already have a powerful mind.

How the Military Accidentally Discovered the Universal Cosmic Mind

In July 1998 we wrote a revolutionary article explaining the location of the Mysterious Universal Mind (collective unconscious) of psychoanalysts, quantum physicists, mystics and spiritual believers. We stated that we, as humans, can all connect to this Gigantic Mind unifying all of us across time space and far beyond, and that we ALL do so every night as we quiet down greatly our individual linear thinking minds and enter the mind area of unconscious sleep.

Act Fast to Grab Two Free Tickets to the Millionaire Mind Seminar

DON'T SKIP THIS PAGE Read on to find out how you can grab two free tickets to the World Famous Millionaire Mind Seminar (or free access to the audio seminar of you are unable to attend ) I would like to introduce you to one of my personal mentors and one of the very best financial and spiritual teachers in the world, a man who understands the power of the human mind to make practical and effective changes in your daily life better than anyone I have ever met. His name is T.

Getting Rich With the Keys to Power

One subject that seems to be on everyone's mind is money. I have had a number of people ask me if the Keys To Power can be used to create fabulous wealth and untold riches. Well, the simple answer is yes, it can. In the materials for the Keys To Power Mastery System, the instructions are directed towards allowing the student to use the principles for any purpose they choose.

How to 'Cast a Spell' with Mind Power

Spell casting No, this is not a lesson in witchcraft, new age or the occult.And yet, it unlocks the mysteries to all of those and more.Arthur C. Clarke once stated, Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. And he's absolutely right. The ability to manipulate the air and manifest fire with the flick of a finger might be considered sorcery by anyone who has never seen a lighter.

The Greatest Success Secret of All Time

Wise old Andy Carnegie, multi-millionaire philanthropist and builder of men (he created 43 millionaires) became an omnivorous reader as soon as he first learned to read.He particularly liked stories of biography about successful and rich men. He quickly learned that most successful men made a habit of writing down goals and striving for them. He read this so often he regarded it as the secret of success. He preached it to anyone who'd listen.

Why You Have Psychic Powers

This concept of intelligence existing outside the physical confines of the living organism has been hard for the scientific community to accept. But over the past 5-10 years, hard evidence has been produced which is having its effect on the scientific skeptics. Dr. Karl Pribram, a prominent American brain surgeon, sees the brains neurons outpicturing the physical universe, similar to the holographic process.

Web's Largest Hypnosis Downloads Site Launches

With over 165 instantly downloadable hypnosis today as the Web's largest-ever hypnosis store. The site is a result of over two years of work, and is backed by popular self-development guru, Bradley Thompson.This the world's first web site to offer progressive hypnosis programs, on topics such as weight loss, psychic powers, and breast enlargement. Each program consists of multiple sessions, delivered separately over a series of weeks.

Stop Trying to Lose Weight

The first step is to Stop Trying to Lose Weight. Research clearly shows that over 95 of people who manage to lose weight will gain it all back, and most of them will end up weighing more than when they started.What you really want is to permanently RELEASE your excess weight - not LOSE it. Think about it When you lose something, what happens You go looking for it.

How to Seduce Others With the Hidden Power of your Mind

This article explains the little-known method for seducinganother person using only the power of your mind. Providingyou follow the steps clearly and with patience, thesetechniques will open you up to a hidden world around youand give you a peek at just how easily the mind caninfluence others. As human adults, we are already well versed in theexperience of mind manifestation.

How to Seduce Anyone with Mind Power

This article explains the little-known method for seducing another person using only the power of your mind. Providing you follow the steps clearly and with patience, these techniques will open you up to a hidden world around you and give you a peek at just how easily the mind can influence others.As human adults, we are already well versed in the experience of mind manifestation.

The Truth About Brainwave Entrainment

How to Retrain Your Brain for a Better Life The purpose of this article is to introduce you to the world of brainwave entrainment (BWE) and its incredible benefits and effects. Much of what is currently written about brainwave entrainment (especially on the internet) is just plain wrong and after personally analyzing much of what is out there it became apparent to me that there was a need for people to know the truth and not the marketing hype.

How to Change Your Life While You Sleep and Wake Up More Powerful

The average human brain requires 7-10 hours of nightly slumber. Over your lifetime, that adds up to between 22 and 31 YEARS of your life spent snoozing, unconscious to the world. But the latest research has revealed that much of this time may be *entirely wasted*. In fact -- scientists have discovered that during sleep, a unique window of learning opens that allows your brain to absorb and assimilate new information like a sponge.

Science Discovers the Healing Power Inside Your Mind

Imagine how much better life would be if medicines were free, available around the clock and came with no unpleasant side effects. It may sound too good to be true but the reality is we can all tap into this 24-hour pharmacy because it's literally all in our mind. We sometimes talk of being worried sick but there is growing evidence that we can also harness the amazing power of the mind to think ourselves well.

How Binaural Beats Transform Your Brain

Binaural beats were originally discovered in 1839 by German experimenter H. W. Dove who discovered that when signals of two different frequencies are presented separately within each ear, the brain detects the phase variation between the frequencies and then endeavours to reconcile that difference between the two frequencies. This causes the brain to create its own third phantom signal known as a binaural beat which is equal to the difference between those two frequencies.

Mind Power For Children

Thoughts are the most powerful forces in a child's universe. The thoughts children think each day influence every aspect of their lives. Their attitudes, choices, personality, and who they ultimately become as individuals, are all products of their thinking. We all want our children to have positive attitudes, make wise choices and feel good about themselves. This is obvious. What is not so obvious is how to achieve this.

The Secret Science Behind Hypnosis

Someone recently emailed me and asked in what sense is hypnosis a science The word science, from Latin scientia, means knowing, and in the broadest sense refers to any knowledge. The word science also refers to any systematic field of study and knowledge gained from such study. In a more restricted sense, science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on empiricism, experimentation, and methodological naturalism (an assumption that observable events in nature can be explained by...

Celebrate, Have Fun, and Enjoy Your Life!

Fantastic You've done it 30 days of committed action towards a new state of mind. Today, congratulate yourself, reward yourself, and bask in your ability to commit and consistently take action It is extremely important to pat yourself on the back and feel good about what you have accomplished in these 30 days. Too often, when we make a positive change in our lives, we forget to feel good about ourselves, but instead focus on some other perceived weakness in our personalities.

The Astonishing Creative Power of Sound

The other day while driving home from a 'challenging' business meeting, I heard a song on the radio which instantly took me back to another time and place. The tune playing on the radio was my high school prom song and the moment it began, my mind shifted gears and I immediately let go of all the stress and tension I was feeling. I started thinking about my lovely prom date and how beautiful she looked in her prom gown.

You Create and Control Everything In Your Life

If you are the creator, all things are under your control. Some people say that control is an illusion but the opposite is the real truth. How can you not be in control when all things are under your control Realize the aspect of yourself that is divine, your Godhood. God is in control of all things, and God is the Self of all, which is your Higher Self. You are the Higher Self. You create all of your reality.

How the Law of Attraction Creates Your Reality

Human beings have the potential as infinite, immortal, Spiritual beings to be creators of our own world in the microcosm , just as God is the infinite and overall creator in the greater Universe, the macrocosm . There really is absolutely nothing whatsoever that anyone cannot attract into experiential reality from the infinite abundance of the Universe.

Wealth Attraction - How To Reprogram Your Mind For More Money

The speed of your success is limited only by your dedication and what you're willing to sacrifice Nathan W. Morris Your brain is one of the most powerful instruments you'll ever use. The kind of thoughts you have can literally change the course of your life, for better or worse. Some experts even believe that the mind is capable of altering our physical reality. John Kehoe, a prolific teacher and author of Mind Power Into the 21st Century , states that thoughts are REAL forces.

Your Next Goal in Five Minutes a Day

Would you like to learn an absolutely free method for reaching your next goal in only five minutes a day You don't need to buy anything, you don't need to own anything, you don't need to go anywhere and you don't need to have any previous experience to make this method work for you. You already have everything you need. Just one brain, that's all you need. Let me show you one way to program your mind so that your goals come to you effortlessly.

Can Plants Read Your Mind?

In 1966 something happened that shook the scientific world to it's very foundations and it was discovered, not in a famous laboratory, but in a small room in an office building in New York In 1966 a very strange event occurred. Cleve Backster, America's top polygraph (lie detector) expert was working late in his New York office. His secretary had installed a Dragon pot plant to brighten the office.

How to Experience Instant Meditation

Everybody in the world of self-development agrees on one simple thing Meditation is good The benefits are truly enormous improved mind power, increased IQ levels, greater energy, self-enlightenment, less required sleep, and more. But how many of us really indulge in a strict meditation schedule And remember, you're talking hours each day if you want the greatest benefit. Let's be honest in the modern world, people just don't have time. Until now, that is.

Waking Up: Learning What Your Life Is Trying to Teach You

We are very excited about today's launch of John Earle's Waking Up, Learning What Your Life is Trying to Teach You. We are recommending this wonderful book. This book can amaze you. It can change your life, what you believe and how you act in the world. How often do you finish a book or a workshop and ask now what This book is all about the what. It encourages and lays out an imminently practical spirituality.

Stop Smoking for the Last Time: How to Use Mind Power to Break Addiction

Most smokers and overeaters believe they lack willpower and most, who do not have these addictions, tend to agree. Yet, is willpower what really helps people break these addictions What is the mind power that truly helps kick bad habits The common use of the word willpower has come to mean self-control . This common definition means that a person should be able to use self control to win a battle against the urge to smoke or overeat over a lifetime.

The Healing Power of the Mind is Your Best Medicine

When you have just recovered from an illness like heart attack or stroke your doctor will always give you advice on how to regain back your health. This advice can included quiting smoking, eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise. However the healing power of the mind is also an essential and powerful weapon and medicine to your road to recovery.

Could the Mysterious Pineal Gland be the Third Eye?

Did you realize that your body actually has three physical eyes Our mysterious third eye was pondered by mystics through the ages, and has long been believed to be the source of a higher inner vision. You may be surprised to learn that such a third eye actually does exist. It's a tiny gland in your brain the pineal gland. The pineal gland is located in the exact geometric center of your brain.

Five Simple Ways to Trick Your Mind Into Attracting Wealth

Learning how to use mind power, and learning specifically how to use mind power to attract wealth and abundance, has been a major focus for most of my life. Along the way, I've learned that using mind power works most effectively when it is done with ease and grace. You don't have to struggle to get exactly what you want in life. In fact, whenever you struggle, you push away that which you most desire. Using mind power to change your life is more like a magic trick than anything else.

Experience Instant Meditation with Brainwave CDs

New Scientific Brainwave CDs Significantly Increase Thinking Speed, Creativity and Energy Levels Everybody in the world of self-development agrees on one simple thing Meditation is good The benefits are truly enormous improved mind power, increased IQ levels, greater energy, self-enlightenment, less required sleep, and more. But how many of us really indulge in a strict meditation schedule And remember, you're talking hours each day if you want the greatest benefit.

How to Cheat at Meditation

Everybody in the world of self-development agrees on one simple thing Meditation is good The benefits are truly enormous improved mind power, increased IQ levels, greater energy, self-enlightenment, less required sleep, and more.But how many of us really indulge in a strict meditation schedule And remember, you're talking hours each day if you want the greatest benefit.Let's be honest in the modern world, people just don't have time. Until now, that is.

How to Live in the Moment - A Scientific Perspective

Both Einstein and spiritual masters have said that time is an illusion. Then isn't each moment of time an illusion in itself How is it possible to live in the moment if it is an illusion Generally speaking, living in the moment has been a spiritual concept related to the cultivation of awareness of the inner self or consciousness.

How to Experience the Dream of Life

In this life, there are two kinds of beings There are victims, and things happen to them. And there are creators, who create as they observe. At the deepest, sub-nuclear level, we are one. There is no separation, as drops of ocean water existing in an infinite ocean a boundless sea of possibility All we have ever experienced has lived inside the visual cortex of the brain. The outward projection is an illusion.

The Proper Use of Affirmations and Subliminal Messages for Personal Power

One of the major secrets to success with anything at all, be it wealth, health, success or anything else at all that you desire is to bypass the conscious mind in order to access the immense powers of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is around 90 of your total mind power as opposed to the 10 of mind that you usually use in your normal daily waking state.

Yes, Your Subconscious Mind Really Does Control Your Actions

In a recent experiment, psychologists at Yale altered people's judgments of a stranger by handing them a cup of coffee. The study participants, college students, had no idea that their social instincts were being deliberately manipulated. On the way to the laboratory, they had bumped into a laboratory assistant, who was holding textbooks, a clipboard, papers and a cup of hot or iced coffee and asked for a hand with the cup.

Simaetha And Her Tradition

One of the most famous and distinctive descriptions of magical practice in ancient literature is the monologue composed as an Idyll by the Hellenistic poet Theocritus for Simaetha as she performs erotic magic to recover her supposedly errant lover Delphis. It is reproduced here together with a text from which it may be derived 88 and a text derived from it 90 . 88 Women claiming to drive out the goddess Put plural the table down as it is. Take a salt lump in the hand and put bay leaves around...

Cernunnos Perfume

To be worn during any operation or adventure involving lust and seduction. There are several varieties of this perfume extant, the commonest one consisting of this formula 5 parts musk - synthetic essence will do 5 parts civet - The first three of these ingredients are very expensive, however, so here is a very good alternative recipe, which can also be highly potent used sparingly 1 3 pine oil good-quality gum turpentine 1 drop vanilla 1 drop jasmine oil or ilang-ilang 1 drop oil of cloves 1...

How To Create A Magickal Wingman That Gets You Laid

Here is a simple question Do You Want More Sex Maybe you have been in a drought sexually speaking. Or perhaps, you do have an active sex life, but you keep feeling deep down, that it can be so much better. What do you do if you desire more choice, power and fun when it comes to your sex life Well my friend, have you thought about hedging your probabilities with Magick Yes it can sound far fetched to some, but maybe you are the adventurous type of person who would like to see for yourself, that...

Subliminal Messages: Deceiving the Mind

Although you might not realize it, subliminal messages are probably being used on you. Used mainly as advertising tools, such messages are designed to be relayed without their targets ever being conscious of them. Because of this, their use is banned in most major countries. Nonetheless, subliminal messages continue to be disseminated throughout the media world, deceiving those who encounter them.

Canidia And Erictho

The Epodes and Satires are Horace s earliest books of poems. Both were complete by 30 B.C. Within these a cycle is devoted to the horrid witch Canidia and her colleagues. Passing mentions of her in poems beyond those printed here use her name as a byword for poisoning Epodes 3, where Horace compares garlic to her poisons Satires 2.1.48, where Canidia threatens people she does not like with the poison of Albucius and Satires 2.8.95, where Fundanius runs from an elaborate feast as if Canidia had...

The Secret Seduction of Subliminal Messages

Subliminal Messages are all over the place Subliminal Messages in Artwork Subliminal Messages in Music Subliminal Messages in Advertising Subliminal Messages in Movies Subliminal messages, or hidden messages, contain a hidden stimuli with a planned response. With the recent advances in technology, subliminal messages can now be created and distributed with a standard computer by the average person. The applications range from self help to seduction and from advertising to weight loss.

What Is Mind Force Hypnosis?

Explained The Full Secrets of How To Remote View and Astral Project Like An Expert Many people have been asking the question What is Mind Force Hypnosis . First off, Mind Force Hypnosis is much different than anything you've seen before. These tactics and techniques can instantly transform any person into a walking time bomb of hypnotic power. Mind Force Hypnosis teaches you formerly unknown mental tricks that will allow you to change someone's mind immediately upon meeting them.

Breatharianism: Living on Light and Air

Today it is well understood that the physical reality that we humans experience on this planet Earth is, in fact, an illusion. The basic building block of physicality, the atom, is a microscopic solar system, 95 space and 5 energy. The energy consists of electrons and protons orbiting a nucleus, a vortex of electromagnetic force.

The Amazing Story of the Salyut-6 Close Encounter

On June 18, 1981, Gosplan called for an extraordinary conference, with the presence of UFO experts, cosmonauts and Soviet authorities, including military officers. Its moderator was the chief of the Soviet Space Program, General Georgi Timofeevict Beregovoy . Beside him was Vladimir Kovalyonok Kovalenok , the cosmonaut who, along with Viktor Savinikh Savinykh , stayed 77 days in space, aboard the Salyut-6 station. The revelation they made was to shock the world.