Thew New Antiquarian is the blog of the Antiqurian Booksellers' Association of America

Our members list new acquisitions and recently cataloged items almost every day of the year. Below, you'll find a few highlights from these recent additions... Yiddish Women Dikheterin Collection 2009. An extensive collection of Yiddish literature written by women 1880-2009 with over 950 books and periodicals of poetry, prose, history, journalism, memoir and biography. Created by booksellers Henry Ho... [ more about Weekly Highlights]

Edit: The recording of this event is now available on our YouTube channel... The Brown Bag Lunch Series, presented by the ABAA Gender Equity Initiative, is a series of short virtual talks covering various topics, from crash courses in areas of expertise to best business practices. Please join the Gender Equity Initiative on Zoom on May 29th, 2024, at 2 PM ET for a Brown Bag Lunch Series with Jim Owen... [ more about May Brown Bag: Victorian Bookcloth]

The Raab Collection this year marks its 35th anniversary in the business of discovering, buying, and selling important historical documents and autographs. Founded in 1989 by Steven S. Raab, an attorney and collector, the company has since grown into an international firm, serving both private collectors and major institutions around the world. To celebrate this milestone, Raab has updated and refres... [ more about Raab Collection Celebrates 35 Years]