Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Pedigree Database

About Us

The initial records for this database were retrieved from the Chesapeake RollCall to expand our own Chessie's pedigree. Several hundred names and references had to be validated and fixed manually. Hopefully we've found most of the errors, but if you see anything suspicious in our database, please . The ChessieInfo website is another good resource for pedigrees, health, and genetics information. If your Chessie, or any of it's parents, are not in the ChessieDB database, you can use our submission form. The ChessieDB is a community based effort - anyone can contribute to the database, to the benefit of everyone.

Submissions are imported into Breeders Assistant for Dogs by Tenset where they are checked for errors. The whole database is then exported to the website in a special DBW format. The inbreeding co-efficients (COI) are calculated over 8-16 generations using the fast algorithm setting. If we were to use the strictest algorithm, it would take a few hours to export the database (on a P4 Dual-Core Hyperthreaded 4Ghz CPU).

Tenset also offers a FREE application called FSpeed to calculate inbreeding co-efficients (COI). You can download a special version of the ChessieDB database for use with FSpeed. This archive is updated regularly and should contain the same dogs as our online database.

You can reach us by e-mail at .

Thank you,
JS & Melanie