In Place Names, Old Meanings Made New

Many of us may often possess an urge to see the world in fresh ways.

Two German cartographers have produced a set of maps — The Atlas of True Names — that claims to return many of the world’s place names to their original linguistic meaning and renders that meaning into English, according to a report in the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel.

New York? “New Wild Boar Village.”
(Apparently, York, in England, derives from the Old English eofor for wild boar and the Latin vicus for village.)
Great Britain? “Great Land of the Tatooed.”
Halifax? “Remote Corner Where Rough Grass Grows.”

According to Stephan Hormes, one of the creators of the atlas, “the names give you an insight into what the people saw when they first looked at a place, almost with the eyes of children.”

Some of the translated names are more convincing than others, and The Lede does not vouch for the maps’ accuracy, although a few of the equivalences have a ring of truth to them.

Chicago? “Stink Onion,” after a Native American term for the smell of rotting marshland onions.
“City of Boatmen?” Paris, after an original Celtic word.
Grozny? “The Awesome.”
Zimbabwe? “House of Stones.”

What’s the appeal of such renaming now? At turning points in history, such as this one, people may want to see and write the world afresh. Certainly, many critics of the Bush administration around the globe are hoping the world will look differently in a post-Bush glow.

Mr. Hormes, though, says his inspiration was more mundane: the resonant language of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth, the setting of “The Lord of the Rings,” which seemed to translate the world into clearer, more simple terms.

Of course, that may be exactly the wish of the many Bush critics around the world for the Obama era.

“It’s like some kind of re-enchantment of the world,” said Mr. Hormes in an interview by phone from Lübeck (“The Lovely One”). “The world is connected via the internet. Everything is technical. There are big financial problems. Everybody seems exhausted. This gives back some of the childhood feeling.”

More translated names:

Sahara? “Sea of Sand” (unsurprisingly).
Seine?“The Gentle One.”
London? “Hill Fort.”
Hong Kong? “Fragrant Port.”
“Land of the Fire Keepers”? That would be Azerbaijan.

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How about Jersey?

From here on out, I wish to be addressed as “Grozny”.

Hmmm… I always thought “York” came from the Celtic “Eborac,” meaning “yew tree.”

Great Britain = Land of the Tattooed? Me thinks this would be etymologically impossible.

London may have been a fort, but it’s not on a hill.

[ The Tower of London is. – Ed. ]

I was told by a Chicagoan whose family has been there since the 1860’s that the name means ‘stinking weed’, so we’re not far off.

I really like New Wild Boar Village, although today New Wild BEAR Village might be more apropos.

Dan Kravitz

Buffalo, NY name derives from “belle fleuve” named for the adjacent beautiful river.

Hahahah my favorite is how Grozny is The Awesome. Other interesting ones:

The Amazon river is “The Boat Destroyer”
Nicaragua “Here are people!”
Yucatan “I don’t understand you!”

I’d assume anyone with an elementary knowledge of Chinese would be able to figure out the meanings of places there, unlike having a knowledge of English and being able to figure out New York is New Wild Boar Village.

For instance:
Beijing: North Capital
Shanghai: On the Sea
Nanjing: South Capital

If you’ve ever seen the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, the name makes perfect sense.

British: Elephant and Castle from:

L’enfant d’Castile

Why is “Havana” still “Havana” and why is “Oakland” still “Oakland”?

I would argue that the York in New York is originally from the Roman name for the British town — Eboracense, Eboracensis, Eboracum — which was a reference not to the wild boar itself, but to boar tusks, as a place where there was a market for that item — connected to the Latin, ebur, ebor — for ivory. The Saxon name would be a calque reflecting the fact that the animal and the animal by-product are very often called by the same name. It may also be that the old York was a center for narwhale ivory and both ivories were called by the same name.

So, in a sense, New York would actually be New Ivory Town. Or New Tusk.

Toronto….a Huron Indian word meaning meeting place.

As Benjamin Zimmer at Language Log points out, both the accuracy and the motivation of the map are pretty questionable. I mean, seriously, “St. Littlefrank” is supposed to give you insight into the minds of the Spanish? (Much less the various folk etymologies that pepper the map.)

The authors of this list are pretty terrible linguists – it is widely recognized that the name York comes from the British Celtic word ebur- “yew tree” (in fact, it was first recorded in Roman sources centuries before the English even conquered Britain!).

“…it is widely recognized that the name York comes from the British Celtic word ebur- “yew tree” (in fact, it was first recorded in Roman sources centuries before the English even conquered Britain!)”

That all may be the repetition of the same error. Tribal and place names with ebur-, ebro- or ebor- were recorded in Roman times. BUT there is little attestation that these names had anything to do with yew trees. In Roman Latin, ebor- and ebur- meant ivory. It was reported that the Celts exported “ivory” trinkets to Rome — but it isn’t likely that it was elephant tusk ivory. The local “ivory” objects in the British Museum from around that period are all boar tusk or whale “ivory.”

In ancient Greek, the yew tree was called “smilax” — but the word was also used for carved wooden vine decorations and the “smila” was a carving knife.

This might have been what caused the confusion. Yew is a highly carvable wood that takes a smooth polish. So the ebur- word may have been generalized to include items made of yew.

But it’s just as likely that the Saxons had it right — and named the town as a center of the ancient boar tusk ivory trade. I suspect a lot of old place names were this simply practical.

Concerning the true meaning of New York, I think we’re all wrong – no yew trees or wild boars. It was named Eboracum “Place of yew trees” by the Romans, then Eoforwic “Wild Boar Village” by the Anglo-Saxons. After a Viking invasion it was named for the Swedish town Jórvik “Horse Bay”, shortened into York.
So I would suggest: New York “New Horse Bay”

— Posted by Stephan Hormes

London? I’ve read it’s from the Roman Londinium, which is well known, however, before that there is no real evidence. One popular theory is that it’s from the King Lud, of a local tribe. Hill Fort is a new one on me. However, the ancient heart of London, ‘The City’ or ‘Square Mile’ did stand on a small stoney hill.

Not mentioned, but I assume is in the book, is that Jerusalem means City of Peace, in it’s original Hebrew (Yerushaluyim, from ‘ear’ meaning city, and ‘shalom’ meaning peace).


No, the name’s origin is more prosiac than that. The Elephant and Castle is the name of a pub and the area took on the name. Like Angel.

Grozny actually means terrible.

I disargee with translating Grozny as Awful, too. Or it must be specified that the second meaning of the word “awful” is taken (at least under this number I see it in my English-Russian e-dictionary) — “one arousing fear”. I’d recommend to use some other words from the list of correspondences to the Russian word Grozny — threatening, formidable, redoubtable. At least this is how we in Russia perceive it. Really AFAIK initially it was a Russian fort and its pupose was to suppress and control local moutaineers — the Chechens and others.

While the map isn’t highly academic, one can see by how it has generated interest and discussion here that it would be a great tool in schools to lead to a discussion about places, language, and history. This is a really fun way to present word histories.