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Common Avian Emergencies

VetCE Virtual available for viewing; get CE credit  

In this session: Pet birds and backyard chickens often present at emergency with advanced disease as birds commonly hide signs of early illness, consistent with most prey species. Olivia Petritz, DVM, DACZM, reviews common avian emergencies including hemorrhage, seizures, cloacal prolapses, and dyspnea via case examples in parrots and chickens

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Small Animal

Practice Management

Designing your surgical suite

Good surgery suite design can aid in better ergonomics for surgeons, and, in some cases, improve a provider’s stamina to an extent that it allows them to accept more appointments.

New mentorship program supports ACVIM diplomates

For six months, mentees are set to complete online learning modules focused on professional skills such as stress management, leadership, mentorship, team building, and budgeting.

Tackling veterinary school debt

With the financial strains of pursuing a degree in veterinary medicine, several loan repayment plans and loan forgiveness programs can help minimize debt and even help eliminate it altogether after a term period.