Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

It's that time of the year when Pumpkin flavor rules everything! So in the spirit of the holidays I'd like to present you with a smoothie recipe that is guaranteed to become a family favorite. Our version is 100% vegan and gluten-free, high in protein and full of gut-friendly probiotics. Did we mention - it's... Continue Reading →

NEW VIDEO: Unwrapping my new blender – BLENDTEC PRO 800 (feat. Denzin)

It was exactly eight years ago when I received my first power blender - a Vitamix 5200. My mom gave it to me as a birthday present. Little did I know at the time how life-changing that appliance would become. My Vitamix opened a whole new world of food-preparation. Rather than cooking, heating and baking,... Continue Reading →

My Raw Food Journey ~ 3 Years Later

Hello Everyone!!! It's been a long break from blogging and I'm anxious to get back and start sharing with you again. I figured what better way to do it than to post an update on my raw food journey. With over 900,000 views and counting (!!!), my original video posted in July 2010 has generated... Continue Reading →

Coming Soon to TV Near You

I can't believe March is around the corner. Time really flies since the year began. And I realize that I have not posted new blogs for a while. Let's change this and give you some highlights of what has been going on in my life lately. First things first - RAWbundant. Since we vacated our... Continue Reading →

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