My Master Cleanse Journey 2011 – Final Results

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We did it once again! Mark and I just completed our second annual Master Cleanse. In my video below I’m sharing our results along with what I learned through the experience this time around.

Total Weight Loss

  • Zoe – 8 lbs.
  • Mark – 14 lbs.

Full Body Detox

This year we did something differently. Rather than just internal cleaning, I developed a full body detox program for us. I have been extensively researching aromatherapy for a few months. My goal has been to combine therapeutic-grade essential oils into synergistic blends to create holistic skin/body care product, as well as to treat various health symptoms. The Master Cleanse presented a perfect opportunity for me to create a detoxifying blends which would extract toxins and break down fat deposits on the surface of the skin.

Here are the products:

African Black Soap – $8 / 2 oz. glass jar

A powerful yet gentle soap that can be used to wash makeup off, clear pores, sooth irritated skin and prevent aging. Due to its natural high glycerin content, it won’t dry out the skin. Made by Ghana women for centuries using nothing but cocoa pod ashes, plantain skins and palm kernel oil. Suitable for ALL skin types especially for conditions such as acne and eczema. Directions: take a small piece and rub between hands with a little bit water. Massage gently over the skin. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Regenerative Night Oil
– $35 / 1 oz. pump bottle

Precious Night Oil is a special blend of some of the most nourishing, healing and moisturizing oils on the planet. We have combined argan, jojoba, sweet almond, camellia, avocado, borage, evening primrose with therapeutic-grade essential oils of Geranium, Rose Otto, Carrot Seed, Ylang Ylang, Frankinsence, Neroli, Calendula and Sea Buckhorn. Applied every night this blend works extra hard to repair tissues, minimize aging, heal irritations and breakouts, and quench thirsty skin. Suitable for ALL skin types. Directions: use one or two pumps to smooth over cleansed face every night prior going to bed. The oil absorbs quickly. No other treatments are needed.

Toxins Eliminator Bath Oil – $15 / 10 ml. bottle

This is a concentrated synergistic blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils such as Oregano,  Juniper Berry, Sweet Basil, Grapefruit and Lemon. All of them are proven to draw toxins to the skin surface so they can be safely eliminated from the body. Great to use during the winter season or in conjunction with cleansing programs such as our Master Cleanse or Juice Cleanse. Directions: add one cup Epsom Salt and half a cup Dead Sea Salt to running water in the bathtub. Once the tub is filled, I add 8-10 drops of the Toxins Eliminator Oil. Lay in the water and massaged your body gently to help the oils penetrate better.

Fat Buster Massage Oil – $15 / 2 oz. bottle

This is a concentrated blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils of Carrot Seed, Grapefruit, Lemon, Geranium, Juniper Berry, Cypress and Cedarwood Atlas in a base of Sweet Almond and Jojoba Oils. All these essential oils are known to relieve water retention and break apart fatty deposits on the surface of the skin. Great to use in conjunction with cleansing programs such as our Master Cleanse or Juice Cleanse. Directions: after showering apply to cellulite-prone areas such as the hips, thighs, buttocks, arms or anywhere fat deposits accumulate. Massage with upward strokes to assist better oil penetration.

Jasmine Body Oil – $12 / 2 oz.

This is an all around body oil that moisturizes, nourishes and deodorizes the skin. Blend of jojoba, macadamia and avocado oils with therapeutic-grade essential oils of Jasmine, Ylang Ylang. Neroli and Bergamot. Your skin will become silky smooth and you will feel like you are wearing a fine French perfume without all the added chemicals. Directions: apply liberally after shower. Allow for the oil to absorb prior to putting clothes on.

Dead Sea Salt –
$8 / 1 lb. bag

This mineral-rich salt has been known for centuries for its therapeutic properties.
Harvested from the Southern end of the Dead Sea, where the mineral content of the waters is at its highest, the salt contain 21 minerals including magnesium, calcium, sulfur, bromide, iodine, sodium, zinc and potassium. These essential minerals naturally occur in our bodies but must be replenished, as they are lost throughout the day. Soaking in water enriched with dead sea salt treats, detoxifies and cleanses the the body from the inside out. Many skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, rashes and acne can be greatly improved. Also, Dead Sea Salt can assist in breaking down fat deposits on the skin, making it as excellent supplement to our Master Cleanse program. Directions: add to bath and soak for at least 30 minutes. For therapeutic use only.

Did the program work?

I wish you could be here with me so you can touch and feel how much clearer, firmer and toner my skin is. The little bit of fat deposits on my thighs and buttocks are far less noticeable. My facial skin is silky-smooth. My pores appear smaller and tighter. There is a glow that I feel. What a difference those ten days have made.

Considering the fantastic results I received from applying this program, I am inspired to continue developing these products as part of my company RAWbundant. I would love more people to experience what I’m experiencing post Master Cleanse. It’s good to cleanse internally but when you do a whole body cleansing – internal and external – the results are magnified. You feel rejuvenated on every level.

I encourage everyone to do an annual cleanse such as Master Cleanse. We clean our homes, cars, closets, desks all the time but we forget to clean our bodies from the inside. No wonder we see beautiful people who suddenly get diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, heart disease or some other terrible illness. Your internal beauty must be maintained as much as your outward appearance.

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Copyright © 2011 Zoe V. All Rights Reserved

4 thoughts on “My Master Cleanse Journey 2011 – Final Results

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  1. Hi Zoe, I got different results this time. It is about the 4th time I’ve done it but on the 10th day I was experiencing a little gas discomfort . I am thinking I shouldn’t have quit but I was eager to eat something and those 2 days of orange juice were very trying on my patience lol .My face had broken out all through the period of 10 days and it still hasn’t cleared up . I have acne and I had stopped taking my antibiotics , lately I am taking flax seed oil . yuck .

    I am glad everything went so well for you but I think I need to continue .

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