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photoshop tutorials, gradient filter, photo effects, brand image,gradient mapping,gradients in photoshop,gradient colours,photo gradients,gradient photo,gradient filter,photoshop filters Gradient Mapping

Gradient Mapping

How to transform a standard photograph for use with a specific colour scheme or brand imag..

web design, google adsense, make money, increase earnings, graphics design, more click-thru rate,deign adsense ads,adsense themes,adsense tips,improve adsense,more adsense earnings Adsense Warfare, Using graphics design to increase earnings

Adsense Warfare, Using graphics design to increase earnings

Learn how to design your google adsense blocks to blend well with your sites content. Usin..

flash,actionscript,script,scripting,key press,key pressing,key buttons,key listener,keyboard input,on release,detecting keyboard,key press in flash Flash Detect Keyboard Input with Key Listeners

Flash Detect Keyboard Input with Key Listeners

Learn how to detect keyboard input in flash for applications and game controls using a bit..

create,custom,cursor,flash,tutorial,cursor in flash,drag cursor,follow mouse,xmouse,ymouse,mouse position,flash cursor,flash mouse,mouse in flash Create a Custom Mouse Cursor in Flash

Create a Custom Mouse Cursor in Flash

This flash tutorial will teach you how to create a custom cursor in Macromedia Flash using..

photoshop background,brush effects,vector effects,filter effects,photoshop effects,photoshop brushes,vector photoshop,dotted background,dotted vector Snazzy Vector Background Effect in Photoshop

Snazzy Vector Background Effect in Photoshop

This simple but effective tutorial teaches you how to create a cool vector pattern backgro..

Featured Videos

Ive seen a lot of cool videos with examples of light graffiti or ..

One of the best computer based drawings I've seen, this video tak..

Particle Illusion is one of those cool particle effect programs t..

This video shows off the upcoming Flash "Next" 10 from the Adobe ..

This detailed video will show you how to configure the third part..

Internet Explorer CSS bug fixes

The <!--[if IE]> Tag

Problem: Various sizes, margins and padding attributes can display differently in Internet Explorer, this coded snippet can help you sort out these problems.

Add this code with your required settings underneith your pages <style> or external style link:

<!--[if IE]>
.item {
margin: 5px;
padding: 10px;

These setting will now only be loaded when your page is viewed in Internet Explorer. I often use this setting to tweak areas of my layout that do not quite display the same as in other browsers.


Margin Auto Centering

Problem: When centering div tags via either the margin-left: auto; or margin-right: auto; settings, this will not work in Internet explorer unless you add the following to your style sheet for the html body:

html, body {
text-align: center;

Don't forget to now add this to your paragraphs and headings as the above setting will now cause these to also center.

p {text-align: left;}


Minimum height bug

Problem: When trying to create a DIV tag and the height will not go below about 12px

Simply add the following attribute to the DIV tag

{line-height: 0px;}

If this does not work try adding the line-height attribute to a <p> paragraph tag within the <div> tag itself.

Your final code should resemble one of the following:

<div style="line-height: 0px; height: 5px;"></div>

<div style="height: 5px;"><p style="line-height: 0px;"></p></div>


Margins appear larger in Internet Explorer

Problem: Setting the margin attribute for any CSS element in Internet Explorer it will often appear either double the size or with added width, which can seriously disrupt detailed layouts.

Simply use the {display: inline;} attribute on the tag containing your margin setting.

Your final code should resemble the following:

<div style="display: inline; margin-left: 5px;"></div>


CSS Light box Adobe Flash fix

Problem: The CSS Light box script will not appear on top of a Flash movie, this disrupts the actual function of the script.

Add the following setting(s) to the Flash HTML code:

<param name="wmode" value="transparent"/>

Also add this to the <embed> tag


Be sure to add both of these settings for this to work properly, your final flash code should look similar to this:

<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="movie" value=" movie.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><embed src=" movie.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" wmode="transparent" width="232" height="218" name=" movie" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /> </object>


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