Think Right Now!Think Right Now I Am Healed Now! I Am Smoke Free!
Effective Time Management Now!
Real Self Esteem Now!
Supreme Confidence Now!
Dissolving Panic and Anxiety Now! Setting and Achieving Goals Now!
Win Friends and Influence People Now!

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Software Success Stories
Software Success Stories

Think Right Now! for Windows
No matter what you're doing on your PC, it's making every minute a self-help minute.


Music Success Stories
Software Success Stories
Think Right Now! Music
The most soothing music is now ALL 60 beats per minute throughout. Increase alpha brain waves. Hear long samples of all compositions.


Math Success Stories
Software Success Stories

Easy Addition Mastery Now!
Easy Subtraction Mastery Now!
Easy Multiplication Mastery Now!

Mike Brescia's straight talk about health, business & success in life


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