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I’m a law professor at the University of Pittsburgh.

I study governance, communities, and institutions. Governance means systems of rules and norms. Law and legal systems are examples of governance. So are systems of social norms, social practices (such as market capitalism), so-called sociotechnical systems, and blends of all of those things. Governance both builds and reflects communities. Blends of governance and communities are institutions.

Recent work includes projects on the organization of global football (soccer, to many); data, algorithms, AI, and security and privacy; and the history of research science. I’ve written about universities; post-industrial urbanism; fair use in copyright law, the arts, and computer networks; modern leadership and management practices; and smart cities. And blockchain.

I am one of four co-leaders of the Workshop on Governing Knowledge Commons. I launched and run a virtual think tank about law-related institutions called “Future Law Works.” I co-founded and co-host a podcast about the future of all things law-ish and legal, called The Future Law Podcast.

At the University of Pittsburgh, I’m the convenor and coordinator of PASTA, which is the “Pitt AI [Artificial Intelligence] Scholar Teacher Alliance,” a cross-university conversation examining the development and uses of Generative AI. I am an affiliate with the Center for Governance and Markets. My work is translated into the Future Law Project, which I lead at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.

I helped to found and am now Chair of the Board of a Pittsburgh-based nonprofit called PART, which stands for “Partnership to Advance Responsible Technology.” As a pandemic project, in 2020 I created a Pittsburgh Intellectual Property Hall of Fame.

As part of a lifetime of football (soccer) (more than 50 years and counting), I follow Chelsea FC, FC Bayern Munich, AFC Ajax, and Grasshopper Club Zurich. My family were original season ticket holders of the NASL San Jose Earthquakes. At the old Spartan Stadium, I saw a lot of amazing players and got to meet Krazy George.

I grew up in a quiet suburb that has played an outsized role in the history of computing and information technology by virtue of its being home to the Homebrew Computer Club, SRI International, Sand Hill Road, and Meta, nee Facebook, which means that I’m one of a tiny number of academic researchers with a deep personal acquaintance with the origins of Silicon Valley.