Many people are interested in an indoor pool for recreation, exercise, therapeutics, and just plain fun.  Although an indoor pool is beneficial to the human body and spirit, the environment it creates can be harmful to the building components.

As pool water evaporates, interior humidity levels rise significantly.  Not only is the resulting moisture uncomfortable, but also, if left uncontrolled, it can destroy many standard building materials.  Moisture disintegrates gypsum materials, rots wood, rusts metal, and promotes the growth of unhealthy and unsightly molds and mildew.

Highly specialized materials and methods of construction must be used to protect against deterioration of building components.  Before you begin the design of an indoor pool building, you should consult a licensed professional with experience in the design and construction of indoor pool buildings.  Careful planning and early trouble-shooting should result in many years of enjoyment - free from the problems most common in indoor pool buildings.
