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Donna Interview
S. Wurmbrand
Laurie S





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Mrs. Sabina Wurmbrand, 87 (1913-2000)

Sabina Wurmbrand

        We tend to focus on cases where IPT has relieved the symptoms of a chronic  illness, or even brought it to an end; or cases where IPT has helped obtain a complete remission from a life-threatening disease, and given the patient years more to live.  

        But IPT does not always succeed in these ways.  Some gravely ill patients under the care of an IPT doctor do die.  For these patients,  IPT can be used to relieve pain, and to palliate the symptoms of a terminal illness, adding increased quality  to the last few days or weeks of life, and perhaps postponing the end.  Dr. Paquette described such cases in his book, Medicine of Hope.   And the case of Mrs. Sabina Wurmbrand provides a more recent example.

        Mrs. Wurmbrand was a well-known and beloved evangelist who worked for many years to aid persecuted Christians worldwide, and especially in Communist countries behind the Iron Curtain, where she was born.  She wrote a bestselling book, The Pastor's Wife.

        On 5/26/00 she was found to have inoperable liver and stomach cancer.  Her doctors estimated that she had two months to live.  Her doctors offered little hope, and could offer little help other than chemotherapy, which might reduce tumor size slightly, while risking drastic side effects.

        Her health worsened over the following days, bringing her very near death more than once.  One doctor suggested letting her dehydrate and die, as, in his opinion, her case was hopeless.  Her son, Michael Wurmbrand, refused to accept this pronouncement, and did whatever he could, searching the Internet for helpful information.  He found out about insulin potentiation therapy through IPTQ.org and through Dr. SGA's website. The family took her  to Tijuana on 6/12/00, and she began a series of IPT treatments on 6/19/00.  Her initial response was positive, dramatic, and immediate.  Over the next weeks, she enjoyed much quality time with friends and family, as her condition alternately improved and worsened.  Finally, she died on 8/11/00.

On  8/7/00, just four days before she died, Michael Wurmbrand wrote me the following email:

Dear Mr. Duffield:

.... I have no idea for how long more my mother could live. I brought her only two days away from sure death. In fact an American doctor , whom I asked for IV and offered to pay for it, said to me two nights before seeing Dr. Donato, that he does not prescribe futile treatments, so wait two more days without hydration and it is over. Now two months and a half passed and I enjoyed my mother being meaningfully alive and had the pleasure to meet Dr. Donato Garcia Perez with his wonderfully engaging personality. Even if this time is all that IPT offered us I am satisfied it is a true alternative of cancer treatment. I would urge you, if you have the time to bug to no end the Webmasters at the FDA Quackwatch and other similar sites to list this alternative treatment even with all negative warnings. This is because I discovered IPT totally by chance, looking for something else regarding insulin growth hormone factor, etc. and not looking for an alternate cancer treatment. Anyhow, I hope it does obtain in the States and worldwide the publicity it deserves and your dedicated work will be rewarded with some recognition. From myself many thanks to you personally for making your site available to he world. Also a word of thanks to Dr. SGA who took the time to talk to me over the phone and foremost for his serious research and extensive discussion of IPT, without which I would not have had the courage to go and meet with Dr. Donato Perez Garcia.

Michael Wurmbrand

On 8/25/00, Dr. Perez Garcia 3  wrote me the following email, giving the doctor's perspective:

I am very sad with Sabina Wurmbrand’s death. After taking care of her for 2 months and seeing her passing away, it also affected me emotionally. I took my family to meet her.

When Michael Wurmbrand called me and told me about his mother, I did not want to treat her. He insisted, and drove her to my office. They arrived when I was giving the IPT training seminar to Dr. Aldren and Dr. George. I even told the two doctors that here was an example, that a patient arriving in a stretcher is not a candidate for IPT.

She waited for 2 or 3 hours before I was free to interview her. After talking with Sabina, for some reason that I did not understand, later I assumed it was God, I accepted to take her as a patient. But I told Michael that I could not promise anything, that I would do my best effort, and we would see what would happen.

Before doing IPT on her, I told Michael that his mother should be stabilized, and probably having her in a hospital would help. He agreed with me. This is something that I have never done in the past, and there is no record from any of the past Donatos of this being recommended. I was touched by something and I was about to treat a nice lady who enchanted my heart and my soul.

I did not know who Sabina Wurmbrand was until two weeks later. At that time I realized that the hands of God touched me and made me accept to treat her to make her last days on Earth as comfortable as possible.

When the first IPT was given, she began to improve and feel better. She had 9 IPT treatments, and she improved. But I know I am not God, and there are times when even if I wish, I cannot change the course of life.  I have the impression that everyone around Sabina waited for a miracle.  I really wish I could have delivered a miracle, but at the end the miracle came because I learned from her the meaning of love, and the importance of always blessing and thanking God for what we are and have.

I am also sure that many of the thousands of people who prayed for her saw the miracle of being united around her, wishing her the best, and helping us to understand the greatness of God’s work, LIFE.

I am sure that something happened in my office when I saw Sabina for the first time, because before that I was determined to refuse her as my patient due to her condition. I had a very powerful desire to follow what I told my pupils to do, to refuse to do what in the past I have never accepted. But with Sabina I broke my own rules. What I felt without knowing who she was is a sensation that I never had before.  I only did my very best effort as a medical doctor. I just gave her the attention I give to all my patients, not knowing if they are public or famous people.

I do not like hospitals because they are depressing places. When Michael complained about the hospital, he was right. There is this problem with language, etc. I know that IPT helped only to make Sabina feel better, because her disease when she arrived at my office was fatal.  I think she was dying in my office.

Well, I could say more. But I did my very best effort with Sabina, as I do with all my patients. Some patients think that I have superpowers, etc. But I am a human, a regular human with emotions too.




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