Palacio de Cibeles, new space for culture and new Town Hall

As you probably know already, the refurbishment of the Palacio de Cibeles is almost over. GEASYT took part in this project as building services engineering, where the computer simulations used to design the HVAC system for the Galería de Cristales (a 2500 m2 glass-covered courtyard) stand out.

We would like to remind you that the Palacio de Cibeles (CentroCentro) is open to the public until the 27th of July 2011. Opening hours are from tuesday to sunday, from 10.00 to 20.00. The building is accessed through the main entrance in Plaza de Cibeles and the following exhibits may be visited: «Habitantes y paseantes» on the first floor, «El Palacio de Cibeles» on the second foor and the photo-exhibit on the 3rd, 4th and 5th floor: «Muller-Campano: the refurbishment of the Palacio de Cibeles». The viewpoint on the top of the tower is also open to the public, as well as the auditorium on the first basement (more info, in Spanish).

Take a look at our photo gallery to see some of the new spectactular areas.

The view from the top of the tower is amazing, here is a small video preview.

Palacio de Cibeles, nuevo espacio cultural y sede del Ayuntamiento de Madrid

En marzo realizamos una visita a la obra de rehabilitación del Palacio de Cibeles, que se encuentra en su fase final. Como ya comentamos en un anterior artículo, GEASYT participa en la ingeniería de instalaciones, destacando el diseño del sistema de climatización realizado para la Galería de Cristales (o Patio de Cristales) en el que se utilizaron modelos informáticos para simular las condiciones de confort en dicho espacio.

Os recordamos que el Palacio de Cibeles está abierto al público, bajo el nombre de CentroCentro. El horario de visitas es de martes a domingo, de 10.00 a 20.00 horas y el mirador de la torre, situado en la planta 8, se puede visitar de 11.00 a 14.00 y de 16.00 a 19 (leer más).

Os dejamos una galería con alguna de las imágenes de la visita a la nueva sede del Ayuntamiento de Madrid.

Las vistas desde lo alto de la torre son realmente espectaculares, aquí tenéis una muestra de lo que se puede disfrutar desde allí.

Thermal Simulation: Patio de Cristales of Madrid’s Town Hall

The Patio de la Cristales, opened in May 2010 (read more, in presents itself as a very complex space concerning comfort conditions both during the summer and in winter. Covered by a glass vault with an area of around 2500 m2 and with a height of over 20 metres, along with high occupation indexes, the space is an HVAC challenge.

Fortunately, the possibilities that computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models bring to the table allow for thermal simulations to be performed, resulting in vital data concerning the viability and efficiency of different HVAC designs.

GEASYT S.A. presents system with low-speed air inlets at ground level, paired with underfloor heating/cooling, that concentrates the energetic effort in the lower area of the courtyard, guaranteeing comfort conditions in the occupied space.

Thanks to the use of a CFD model, the space is modelled and extreme scenarios are simulated both in summer and winter conditions, with an occupation of one thousand people;  including in the simulation thermal loads from solar radiation, the effect of the underfloor heating/cooling system and shades projected by the constructive elements in the patio and its occupants. The air inlets and outlets are also modelled with their corresponding control system.

The obtained results, with an emphasis on temperatures in the courtyard and air speed, prove the system’s efficiency and its inherent advantages concerning energy efficiency.