Easy Fudge Brownies recipe


14 ounces (1 can) of sweetened condensed milk.
1 medium egg.
1 ¼ cups of all-purpose flour.
¾ cup of chopped pecans.
½ cup of cold margarine.
½ cup of cocoa.
¼ cup of sugar.
2 tablespoons of brewed coffee.
1 ½ teaspoons of vanilla.
½ teaspoon of baking powder.

Preparation Instructions:

Preheat your over to 325°F (160°C).

In suitably sized bowl, combine the sugar and 1 cup of the flour. Cut in the margarine; then press firmly into bottom of eight-inch pan. Bake for 15 minutes or until light brown.

In another large bowl, combine the remaining ¼ cup flour, the condensed milk, cocoa, egg, coffee, vanilla and baking powder. Mix thoroughly and stir in the chopped pecans.

Spread evenly onto the crust and bake for another 20 minutes.

Allow to cool.

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Reviews and Comments:

Easy Fudge Brownies Review by Julie on October 22nd, 2012:

Delicous made me want more and more.

14 ozabout 397g (396.893 grams based on 28.3495 grams in an ounce)
1 ¼ cupsabout 296ml (295.7375 mililitres based on 236.59 mililitres in a US cup)
¾ cupabout 177ml (177.4425 mililitres based on 236.59 mililitres in a US cup)
½ cupabout 118ml (118.295 mililitres based on 236.59 mililitres in a US cup)
¼ cupabout 59ml (59.1475 mililitres based on 236.59 mililitres in a US cup)
160°C325°F / Gas Mark 3


Published: July 20, 2007
Average rating of 5.00 stars based on 1 reviews.