
sábado, 24 de febrero de 2007

Connection refused - Conexion rehusada - Java RMI - Linux Fedora

Me pongo en situación (connection refused, conexion rehusada, java rmi y su madre):
Estás desarrollando un aplicación con Java RMI para linux (una fedora core 6, por ejemplo). Hasta ahora va todo bien, lo has probado en local y perfecto. Vas al siguiente paso, un servidor en una máquina y otro en otra. E intentas acceder desde un cliente de una máquina al servidor de la otra máquina. En el servidor has lanzado el rmiregistry, las opciones con que lances el rmiregistry no nos importan demasiado. El caso es que el registro rmi está lanzado, el servidor ha registrado el objeto y queda a la espera de peticiones. Nuestro cliente, y esto es importante, hace un Naming.lookup y encuentra el objeto en la otra máquina. Es importante que lo encuentre, si no lo encuentra algo estamos haciendo mal, revisa!. Si lo encuentra, entonces vamos a llamar a uno de los métodos del objeto remoto. Y nada más hacer la llamada nos encontramos con este error:

Caused by: java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:;
nested exception is: Connection refused
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPEndpoint.newSocket(
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.createConnection(
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.newConnection(
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(
at ...

(y lo que sigue, pero para que poner el resto de la pila si con esto nos vale)

Estamos intentando acceder a un objeto en otra máquina, que de hecho hemos encontrado (con el Naming.lookup) pero no nos deja ejecutar uno de sus métodos. Y por lo menos pone Connection refused, porque si tu versión de java está traducida, te pondrá "Conexión rehusada". Piensa en rehusar como en rechazar, quítate de la cabeza nada que tenga que ver con volver a usar!!! (Suele pasar). Bien que es lo que pasa aquí? Pues resumiendo, cuando el cliente ha encontrado el objeto remoto (Naming.lookup) lo que obtiene es una dirección ip para poder acceder a él. Da igual que hayamos accedido al objeto a partir del nombre de la máquina. El rmi lo que hace es devolver una ip, que obtiene del /etc/hosts, para no tener que acceder siempre a ese fichero y ver la ip que corresponde con el nombre de la máquina. Me explico fatal. El tema está en que el fichero /etc/hosts seguramente tengas algo así: localhost mimaquina

Cuando para que te funcione, mimaquina debería apuntar a la ip "real" de tu maquina (/sbin/ifconfig para ver la ip en linux, ipconfig en windows por comando)

Contenido necesario de "etc/hosts" (para Linux Fedora) localhost mimaquina

Espero que te sirva de utilidad, yo perdí mucho tiempo con este tema, mucho, mucho... Si estás con las prácticas de ASO, ánimo. Si estás con otra cosa, ánimo también.

Un saludo!

3 comentarios:

Jiguar dijo...

Cuando estuve buscando información sobre este tema, sólo encontre una dirección que me explicara algo útil. Copie el texto pero no me acuerdo de la dirección. Os pongo el texto por si es de utilidad:
Thursday, September 29, 2005

Since I'm working on commercial software now I'll be doing a lot of logging
on the company's internal Wiki instead of here. I'll continue to talk about
Kowari or study in here, but there are only so many hours in the day!

Remote Servers
As part of what I'm doing this week, I need to talk to a Wordnet RDF set.
With my poor little notebook struggling on all the tasks I'm giving it, I
figured that it made more sense to put the Kowari server on my desktop
machine (named "chaos"). Unfortunately, I immediately hit a problem with RMI
that had me stumped for some time today.

Starting Kowari on the desktop box worked fine. Querying it on that box also
worked as expected. But as soon as I tried to access the server from my
notebook I started getting errors. Here is what I got when I tried to create
a model:

create ;
Could not create rmi://chaos/server1#wn
(org.kowari.server.rmi.RmiSessionFactory) couldn't create session factory
for rmi://chaos/server1
Caused by: (ConnectException) Connection refused to host:; nested
exception is: Connection refused
Caused by: (ConnectException) Connection refused

My first response was confusion at the connection attempt to
Trying to be clear on this, I changed the request to talk directly to the IP

create ;
Could not create rmi://
(org.kowari.server.rmi.RmiSessionFactory) couldn't create session factory
for rmi://
Caused by: (ConnectException) Connection refused to host:; nested
exception is: Connection refused
Caused by: (ConnectException) Connection refused

I started to wonder if this was a problem with a recent change to Kowari's
code (which was a scary prospect), and started looking more carefully a the
code, and the logged stack traces.

The clue came from the client trace:

Caused by: java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:;
nested exception is: Connection refused
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPEndpoint.newSocket(
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.createConnection(
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.newConnection(
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(
at org.kowari.server.rmi.RmiSessionFactory.(
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
... 13 more
Caused by: Connection refused

So the problem appears to be a connection to the local system, which isn't
running a Kowari instance, so it fails. The error was occurring in the
RmiSessionFactory constructor, but this seemed OK, and the stack above and
below it in the stack trace was all Sun code. So what was happening here?

The relevant code in the constructor looked like this:

Context rmiRegistryContext = new InitialContext(environment);
// Look up the session factory in the RMI registry
remoteSessionFactory =
URI remoteURI = remoteSessionFactory.getDefaultServerURI();

The failure happens on the last line here.

What is the process, and how is this failing? Well, it starts by looking up
a name server to get an RMI registry context. The important thing to note
here is that this works. Since the RMI registry is running on the server
rather than the client, then we know that it spoke to the remote machine and
didn't try to use So far, so good.

Next, it pulls apart the path from the server URI and looks for a service in
the RMI registry with this name. In this case the name is the default
"server1", and the service is a RemoteSessionFactory object. This also

The problem appears on the last line when it tries to access the object that
it got from the registry. For some reason this object does not try to
connect to the machine where the service is to be found, but instead tries
to access the local machine. So somehow this object got misconfigured with
the wrong IP address. How could that happen?

Since nothing had changed in how Kowari manages RMI, I started to look at my
own configuration. Once I saw the problem, realised how obvious it was.
Isn't hindsight wonderful? :-)

Once upon a time I ran Linux full time on Chaos. This meant that I could run
any kind of service that I wanted, with full time availability. One of those
useful services was BIND, allowing me to have DHCP dynamically hand out IP
addresses to any machine on my network, and address them all by name. Of
course, BIND passed off any names it hadn't heard of to higher authorities.

However, obtuse hardware, Windows only software, and expensive VM software
that suddenly stopped working one day (it died after the free support period
ended, and no, I can't afford support), slowly took their toll. I finally
succumbed and installed that other OS.

Once Chaos started rebooting, I could no longer rely on it for DHCP or BIND.
DHCP was easily handled by my Snapgear firewall/router, but I was left
without a local nameserver.

New computers to my network are usually visitors wanting to access the net.
This doesn't require them to know my local machine names, nor do my other
machines need to access them by name. So I figured I could just manually
configure all of my local machines to know about each other and I'd be fine.
This is where I came unstuck.

The problem was that I had the following line in /etc/hosts on Chaos: localhost chaos

I thought this was OK, since it just said that if the machine saw its own
name then it should use the loopback address. I've seen countless other
computers also set up this way (back in the day when people still used host
files). For anyone who doesn't know, is called the "loopback
address", and always refers to the local computer.

This confused RMI though. When a request came in for an object, the name
service sent back a stub that was supposed to connect to a remote machine
named "Chaos". However, to prevent the stub from looking up the name server
every time, it recorded the IP address of the server instead of the server's
name. In this case it looked up /etc/hosts and discovered that the IP for
that "chaos" was The object stub then got transferred across the
network to the client machine. Then when the client tried to use the stub,
it attempted a connection to instead of to the server.

The fix was to modify /etc/hosts on Chaos to read: localhost chaos

So now the stub that gets passed to the client will be configured to connect
to This worked just fine.

So now I know a little more about RMI. I also know that if I ever get any
money, I really want a spare computer so I can boot up Windows and not have
to take my Linux server offline to do it.

Posted by Quoll at Thursday, September 29, 2005


Anonymous said...

Thank you a lot for your post. I got the same problem as you and I spent
hours recoding and configuring Rmis without succes.
I really enjoy you explanation, it's very clear and it's also
interesting to know your reasoning.

Good job :)

4:13 AM

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Anónimo dijo...

mirate lo del la direccion ip del localhost a mi fedorame las ponia en ipV6 osease :::1 en vez de cambialo en la utilidad de configurar la ip de la tarjeta de red me paso con el kismet

Icarokun dijo...

Gracias, por la info. Tenia un problema con RMI y no caia en que era este.