Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chess Tactics Server

Like Chess Tempo which I featured earlier, Chess Tactics Server is also an interactive site to hone your chess skills especially in the middlegame. For each position that you are presented with, you are subsequently rated and the next problem shown will be within the range of your perceived strength. The problems have time limits in which to make the correct move.

Interactive chess sites like this takes time for one to be able to assess how useful, user-friendly, and informative they are. You are welcome to provide feedback on your experiences with the site, as well as letting us know of other similar sites that you frequent. For me, the site has been an enjoyable way to spend one's free time, though I really don't have inkling on how good are the exercises.

Keep pushing, woodpusher!

Learn more about Chess Variants! Click HERE!

Improve your correspondence chess! Click HERE!


Stoned Soul said...

what do you suggest for studying endgames online? i was hoping for something like the tactics server or the thing... does such a site even exist?

Noel said...

Hi Stoned Soul,

I really don't have a definite answer to your question. But given the limited number of pieces come endgame, maybe existing literature would suffice. Or you could possibly use an offline chess application where you can set up the pieces, again with the help of literature.

The other readers may have something to comment or add, though.
