Triage Lavoir du Roton

at Farciennes-Tergnée

Photographed January and April 1996.


This beautiful factory is still in service; it must be the last in the region.
The very friendly and enthusiastic owner, Yves de Froidmont, (with a small "d") is experimenting with new techniques and processes, using the old machinery. A lost fight against black gold, gas and nuclear energy.



I must say the building doesn't look any different than the abandoned factories in the region (neglected). As a matter of fact, only a small portion of the plant is still being utilized. If you get permission to enter the premises, you'll find a train being loaded, a conveyer belt moving along compacted pieces, of what appears to be a mix of coal and metal.
A chimney blows clouds of steam, and from the dark intestines of the building comes a rumbling noise...reminiscent of looking back 30 years in time!




Carlo Rizoli's post




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